Welcome. . .

"For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 2:21, NIV)

EVERYONE SEEMS CONSUMED with themselves these days. Not much has changed since the Apostle Paul captured the self-centered tendency of every one of us. Left alone, we exalt, embellish, promote, fixate upon, and eventually worship ourselves. The modern case on steroids: blogs and other social networking sites. We're so self-enamored. We've set our sights so very low.

It's a seeming contradiction, but look closer. Two traits seem to characterize the age in which we live: self-aggrandizement and a lack of courage. We're outspoken, bold and courageous - about the wrong things.

If you like to laugh - and you like to think, do yourself a favor and watch my link for Brian Regan Dinner Party on the left hand side of this page. It's Brian talking about, you guessed it, the person we all seem to be so consumed with these days. . . ourselves. Appropriate, I think, for my very first volley into the court of blogging. Enjoy - but beware the Me Monster. . .

Keep looking up. There's nowhere else worth looking.

- M.P.

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